Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June: "Adopt a Friend" Month

Pastor Vaughn spoke last week, a very powerful message about friendship. June is, "Adopt a Friend" month here at Faith Christian Assembly. What does that mean? Thank you for asking...it means that we follow the model of Jesus and take part in the ministry of friendship.

Jesus started his ministry by finding 2 friends, Simon and Andrew, then he found 2 more, James and John, and then...Matthew (the tax collector).

Allow God to bring people into your life that you can nurture and protect. Maybe even people who may have been rejected, people you can help heal and renew.

We must pray that God opens our eyes to see these people. Ask God to adjust your focus so you will be able to see them, and see the Kingdom work that can be done in their lives. It can start with you.

When we do this:
1. We enlarge our world.
2. We rid our soul of selfishness.
3. It justifies the reason for our existence.
4. It brightens our outlook on life.

Proverbs 17:17, "A friend loves at all times..."

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