Friday, July 27, 2007

Encourage One Another

This Far Side made me laugh this week, because I felt a little bit like Reuben. What is it they say,
Tragedy+Time= Humor
Seriously, I'm over-dramatizing the entire week, but let's just say it hasn't been a banner week for the Lemings. Which is why I'm glad that I've had the opportunity to dive into the One-Another's of the New Testament, for our Sunday Night series. One I particularly was drawn to was...
Hebrews 3:13, "But encourage one another daily as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sins deceitfulness."
God is so good. He sent more than one person this week to encourage me, and they had no idea what kind of week it had been. It's a good thing God knew.
So, let me encourage you...encourage someone Today. Because after all, it's still called Today, isn't it?

Friday, July 20, 2007

One Another

This Sunday Evening, in our 5:30pm service, I will continue our series on, "The One Another's of the New Testament".

One of the many perks I've discovered about being here at Faith Christian Assembly, as we begin our brand new Contemporary Service, is watching and enjoying the many friendships that develop...friendships among all ages. Friendships like the one between Gabrielle and Tarlan. They encourage me so much, as it's obvious how very much they love coming to church, and love their friendship.

One Another...such awesome words, and such a godly principle. The One Another's bring us life, and joy and encouragement.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Start Spreadin' The News!

I'm SO excited. I just got off of the telephone with my wonderful husband (did I mention we've been married for 25 years???), and he just made reservations for NEW YORK CITY! This is our big Silver Anniversary trip! Yippy - Skippy! Above is a picture of our 2 day trip to Carmel...isn't that true beauty? And the scene behind him is too! :-)

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday, while we were just sitting at home, minding our own business Gary's car was totaled (by a poor little girl practicing with her permit and her big sister), so today is a much better day!

Here's my favorite 25th Anniversary quote:

Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century. Mark Twain

Friday, July 13, 2007

Our Baby is 22!

Well, obviously, he's no longer a baby, but he will always be the youngest in the family! Yesterday, he turned 22! How old are we???
He's working Wells Fargo. He's been working 50-60 hours a week. We're so proud of you Tyler! He even takes the time to support us here at church with his trumpet playing and his willingness to do whatever is needed. He's really made the 10lb 1oz birth a distant memory...pretty much. :-)
Love you Tyler! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

25 YEARS!!!

Today is Gary and my 25th Wedding Anniversary! I'm so excited! It's been a great 25 years and I look forward to at least 50 more!

We're in Carmel for a couple of days, enjoying all of the beauty that God has created. I'll probably post pictures later of Pebble Beach. What a scene it is! This happens to be one of our favorite spots.

Just had to share our moment. Check out our picture! Think we've changed?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Life as a Fountain

Last Sunday (8:30am Contemporary Service), was out first Campaign OUTFLOW (Outflow by Steve Sjogren and Dave Ping). We talked about how to offer ourselves to God every morning for Him to use our lives in any way He wants to. It's like the Holy Spirit is the water springing up from the middle of a fountain, and our lives overflow..refreshing everyone around us!

This is how Bill Hybels puts it in Just Walk Across the Room...Historically, there's been the opinion, that if you're talking to someone, and the plan of Salvation doesn't get explained, then it's been an "unsuccessful conversation". BUT, that's simply not true! On some occasions, the Holy Spirit may ask us to be an opener. We're supposed to break up some really hard soil in someone's heart so that the next person to come along might have some influence in planting a seed or two.

On other occasions, God may ask us to play the middle guy - carrying around a watering can and helping quench a few thirsty souls.

Still other times, we may get to pick really ripe fruit off of the vine.

Another way to look at it is this, many people begin their spiritual quest at a -10, and our role is to facilitate their movement to a -8. But thinking this way involves a deep level of trust that the Holy Spirit is the one who will follow them and complete the work.

1 Corinthians 3:6, "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow."

Our efforts may feel fruitless at times, but if we just persevere the potential is colossal! THINK ABOUT IT...A priceless human being might be snatched from the clutches of a horrendous lifeless eternity because you took the time to walk across a room and allowed the Holy Spirit to use you!

Here's a great prayer to start off your day...
"Dear Lord, My life is in your hands. Use me to point someone toward you today. I promise to cooperate in any way I can. If you want me to say a word for you today, I'll do that. If you want me to keep quiet, but demonstrate love and servant-hood, by Your Spirit's power, I will. I'm fully available to you today, so guide me by Your Spirit. Amen."