Tuesday, February 27, 2007

It's Been One of Those Days...

So, I go to log into my blog today, and something happened...or shall I say didn't happen...I forgot my password and my username. Is that sad or what?

To explain further, I was busy all last week putting our web address out there in cyber world on as many search engines as I could find. Well, many of them required passwords, so needless to say, my blog password got erased from the hard drive of my brain.

I would say this must be a sign of the times. Almost every person I've talked to about this gave me a similar story of their own, so I feel like I'm not alone.

It really made me think about God. I'm so glad I don't need a password to access the Father. He doesn't have firewalls to keep me out...actually, He is trying to keep all of us out of the fire.

Hebrews 4:16, "So let us boldly approach the throne of grace. Then we will receive mercy. We will find grace to help us when we need it."

Faith Christian Assembly - Week 2

Well, it's week two for me here at Faith Christian Assembly. My office is officially set up...can I tell you how great it is to have windows? I've been working on messages, and our core team meeting devotional. And, completely out of my box...our website. I thank God that He lets me call on Him often to ask for creativity and...smarts to do the job. It seems like every day I think it's going to outsmart me, and God has yet to let me down, and I know He never will. :-)