Friday, July 13, 2007

Our Baby is 22!

Well, obviously, he's no longer a baby, but he will always be the youngest in the family! Yesterday, he turned 22! How old are we???
He's working Wells Fargo. He's been working 50-60 hours a week. We're so proud of you Tyler! He even takes the time to support us here at church with his trumpet playing and his willingness to do whatever is needed. He's really made the 10lb 1oz birth a distant memory...pretty much. :-)
Love you Tyler! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!


Pastor Paul said...

What happened to that little guy who used to sing, "We bwing de sacwifice of pwaise into the house of de Lowd,"? He had a lot of nerve growing up into one of the nicest, most talented and loving individuals on the planet.

DonnaG said...

22???? No way. Can't be possible. Make him stop.