I've been studying and thinking a lot about serving in preparation for Campaign OUTFLOW, which we will delve into every Sunday in our Contemporary Service (8:30am) in July. And as I did my typical google image search to come up with a picture, I realize that there are many different ways of "serving". As you can see, when it comes to tennis, well, it doesn't get much better than this guy. (I keep wondering what kind of killer-tennis players that he and Stefi are going to turn out)...Anyway...I digress...
I'm drawn to a scripture in Acts 13:36 that talks about David and how he "...served God's purpose in his own generation..." WOW! What an awesome thing to be said about you. I pray that God feels this way about me, that I am serving His purpose in my own generation. But this is where it often gets tricky...Serving isn't about being a cool, good-looking, rich tennis player...Serving God can sometimes look like this...
Or like this....
All I know is, there is only One who knows in what capacity each of us should serve, and He is the same One who helps us want to serve.
Philippians 2:13 (NLT) "For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey Him and the power to do what pleases Him."