Friday, February 15, 2008

Kid's Day! February 17, 2008 - (8:30am Service)

Yippee! Kid's Day is almost here!

This coming Sunday, in our 8:30am
Contemporary Service, we will have
our very first Kid's Day! What is Kid's Day?

Thank you so much for asking!

First, kid's will be taking charge of several aspects of our service. They will be our greeters, they will take the offering, and they will participate in the sermon.

Then, we will have a special time of prayer for our kids.

I'm SO excited...I can hardly wait!

Psalm 127:3,
"Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from Him."


Debbie said...

What a great idea - I used to mention that all the time at LC. I think it's awesome to let the kids participate in Big Church!! Wish I could be there to celebrate the kids with you!

Sheri Leming said...

Well, tell them they need to listen to your ideas! :-) I wish you could be here to celebrate's going to be a blast!


Brandi said...

Well, how did it go?????